Rausch Herefords is a 4th-generation family ranch owned and operated by Shannon & Sue Rausch and their three sons; Michael & Kaitlyn Rausch, Jacob & Christine Rausch, and Peter & Melinda Rausch.
At Rausch Herefords, we aim to produce high-quality Hereford cattle for the commercial producers in our region. Faith in God, family, and Herefords are at the center of everything we do.
Each year on Presidents Day in February, we hold a production sale selling 165 polled and horned bulls and 300 females. Throughout the year we sell private-treaty bulls and females.

AHA Hall of Fame
Our family was honored to celebrate the induction of Vern and Jerry into the American Hereford Association Hall of Fame in the fall of 2023.
Annually, the award recognizes those who have committed their lives to the Hereford breed. These breeders have dynamically influenced the direction and advancement of the Hereford breed.
Congratulations to Vern and Jerry, dedicated Hereford breeders.

Tradition: Our Hereford Story
Our Hereford story began in 1946 when William and Alice Rausch helped their oldest children purchase Hereford heifers as 4-H projects. With Herefords on the ranch, the family started to build the cowherd and held their first annual bull sale in 1959.
Over the years, Rausches have been all-in on investing in the Hereford breed, from serving on Hereford Association boards at the state and national level, to state Hereford Queens and Hereford Women boards, and more. Most recently in the fall of 2023, Vern and Jerry Rausch were inducted into the American Hereford Association Hall of Fame.
Since the beginning, Rausches have experienced major changes in the Hereford and cattle industry. The herd started completely horned and has since transitioned to predominantly polled. Feast or famine, the Rausch family has remained focused on making good cattle.
Currently the fourth generation of Rausches work to continue the legacy of Rausch Herefords, building on the foundation of a powerful cow herd and decades of breeding. We are committed to producing bulls and females that fit our customers' needs.
Notable Events
William and Alice Rausch helped their children purchase registered Hereford heifers as 4-H projects
1st Annual Bull & Female Production Sale
William Rausch inducted into the AHA Hall of Fame
Vern Rausch elected to the AHA Board of Directors
Rausch Herefords recognized with the AHA Heritage Award
Celebrating 75 years as a Hereford breeder
Vern and Jerry Rausch inducted into AHA Hall of Fame